RotorTech 106mm "Ultimate" Tail Rotor Blade Set
Sales Note: The Orange Tips are now out of production, and this is the last batch available with this paint scheme. Shipments in early 2021 will be the new "iridescent" paint scheme found in the smaller rotor blades.
RotorTech blades are finely crafted premium carbon fiber rotor blades from Fun-Key Aeroplane Models. RotorTech blades are designed to be an all around powerful, efficient, well rounded performance oriented blade that will suite a large majority of flight styles from simple aerobatics, F3C, and extreme 3D flight. Additionally, RotorTech blades utilize a minimal amount of paint within the mold, while still providing excellent flight visibility. By using less weight on all of their blades, weight is saved on each set which offers a small boost in performance.
Rotortech Ultimate Tail Blades are the exact same design as the RT-106 standard blades, but now in the matching "Stealth" scheme with minimal amounts of orange paint on the tips. Specifications Length: 106mm Width: 31mm Root Size: 5mm Hole Diameter: 3mm